在 TUNN3L,我们相信成功建立在协作的基础上,我们很自豪能够与客户一起努力实现他们的业务目标。无论您是想提高效率、增加盈利能力还是提高客户满意度,我们的一系列工具和硬件解决方案都旨在帮助您成功。
Tunn3l 是 ISO 9001 认证的,表明我们致力于保持高水平的质量管理标准。这种认证反映了我们提供可靠解决方案的承诺。通过遵守 ISO 9001 标准,我们确保我们的流程符合严格的质量管理标准,提高了我们服务的可靠性。
Tunn3l 是 ISO 27001 认证的。这突显了我们保持高质量安全标准的承诺,并表明我们致力于有效管理信息安全风险。通过遵守 ISO 27001 标准,我们确保我们的系统、流程和数据受到潜在安全威胁的保护,为我们的客户提供安心。
Tunn3l 完全符合 GDPR 规定。我们优先考虑数据隐私和安全,确保个人数据的收集、处理和存储符合 GDPR 标准。我们对 GDPR 的合规承诺确保我们的客户数据得到负责任和透明的处理。
The TUNN3L system and its customer support are superb, the setup is very easy to use for everyone working at the tunnel. There are a lot of small things in the system that make everyday life of instructors a lot easier and reduce stress in an otherwise busy environment. If we ever run into any issues, they are always being looked into or fixed within minutes of contacting tech support! Definitely the best system I have used, would recommend to anyone looking for a solution for their tunnel facility.
It's so nice to have all in one system by Tunn3l in Fööni. Makes our life so much easier :) Driver, instructor, reception, management... they all are speaking the same language with Tunn3l. Customer path from buying to flight videos works very well with Tunn3l all in one system.
When zerOGravity project started, we aimed for the ideal operating system, and we believe we found it. Tunn3l is smart, modern, and evolves by means of collective intelligence to be the most user friendly and efficient it can be. On top of that, the human beings behind it are inspiring and awesome to work with. Thank you Tunn3l for participating to our success story !
The competition module offered by Tunn3l makes the competition planning effortless whatever the disciplines and the number of teams you want to handle. Last minutes changes are super smooth and with the total manifest integration it makes any competion feels like a normal working day for the staff
TUNN3L brought to WEEMBI all required features to be agile, to save time, to automate tasks from customer's standpoint, instructor's standpoint, sales standpoint... We could not work so efficiently without TUNN3L!
After sales Support Service to meet our specific needs for changes is outstanding.
The fact that everything is intergrated and connected makes the workflow a lot smoother and allowes you to spend more time doing the actual driving or instructing. Tunn3ls costumer service is also stellar as they mostly reply minutes after you contact them in addition to presenting costum made solutions suited to your needs if required.
With Tunn3l we have a global system that handles customers from manifest to videos with a maximum flexibility, we can face any cases and customers special wishes.
Quick set up and installation. Stability and availability of the booking system, I think we haven’t had any downtime so far. Support of the entire tunnel business process, all functionality from one partner.
Customers and staff appreciate it alike. If they are happy, I´m happy. The team behind Tunn3l is even better, always a pleasure to work with them, giving valuable insights and solid, quick solutions. Without a doubt turning to this software is a key point in bringing the company to a whole new level.
We have been using Tunn3l since 2018, and I have to say that it has transformed the way we do business. Easy and stable booking platform provide us with a critical insight into our business which allow us to make fast decision and ultimately dynamic and competitive marketplace.
Automatization of many recurrent task allow us to save time and focus on the development of our business and operation. The friendly user interface provided to the team is highly appreciate by the staff event for the freelancer. The flexible API extension have allowed us to integrate Tunn3l to our accountancy system and further automating processes, reducing error and improving efficiency. I'm happy to see continued improvements and new features in the system and regularly recommend Tunn3l to my contacts.
I could not work anymore without Tunn3l!
Tunn3l is by far the best management system I have seen. Its clear approach to everything you might need, means you don´t waste time looking for complicated options. It is made to satisfy the needs as clearly and quickly as possible.
Very wide and varied range of functions and features. A total solution for tunnel operators from one source. Stable and constant accessibility of the cloud solution. Great support and constant developments. Integrated video system works reliable.
我们的室内跳伞软件已经被来自 14 个国家的客户采用,这使我们对每个市场的特定需求和文化细微差别具有广泛的知识和专业知识。
我们每年为客户创造 1 亿欧元的营业额的成功案例证明了我们帮助您最大化室内跳伞业务的财务成功的能力。